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Computer and Web Ethics.

Computer and Web Ethics.

Computer Ethics studies the behavior of people using the computer on the basis of which produced the relevant ethical requirements and a sort of etiquette rules.

Computer ethics includes different questions, such as: technical, moral, legal, social, political, and philosophical. These issues include: the development of codes of ethics for professionals and users of computer equipment. Also includes protection of property rights, copyright, right to privacy and freedom of expression in relation to information technology. The fight against computer crime, legislative and regulatory issues also one of the most important part of computer ethics.

The first moral code of computer ethics was developed in the US in 1979. Later, there have been developed and adopted codes of many organizations related to the field of information technology.

What is the basic rules of computers?

The basic rules of computer ethics are - when you can’t use a computer to harm other people, and when you can’t create interference and is forbidden to interfere with the operation of computer networks users. It also includes rules as that we couldn’t use files that are not intended for free use, it’s forbidden to use a computer to steal, to spread false information. We can’t use "pirated" software and assign someone else's intellectual property. Also, we can’t use computer equipment or network resources without the permission of the person who owns it.

Lists the following rules.

 We have to think about the possible social consequences of established programs and developing information systems and use a computer with a self-restrictions that show your respect for others.

What is the principles developed in the framework of computer ethics ?

The principles developed in the framework of computer ethics are includes: privacy, accuracy, property and accessibility. Privacy or private life secret is the human right to autonomy and freedom in private life, the right to protection from the invasion of her authorities and other people. Accuracy is compliance with the rules relating to the accurate implementation of the operating instructions and information processing systems, fair and socially-responsible attitude to their duties. Property or private property is the inviolability of private property. The basis of the property order in the economy. Adherence to this principle is respect for property rights to information and copyright rules. Accessibility or affordability is the right of citizens to information, its availability at any time and in any place.

People accustomed to the rules of the network community may unwittingly violate the rights of others. Therefore, almost all online communities need to read the rules and express their formal consent to their observance. Also, there are general rules, the observance of which is good form in most discussions.

Before we become an active participant in community network, it’s desirable for some time to visit it, leaving at least your own comments, to get used to the rules of the community, as well as learn about some of its traditions.

As part of computer ethics is allocated a special area called the "hacker ethic", which laid the foundation of the hackers, the pioneers who founded the modern information technologies. These programmers who study the fine features of the system is a great pleasure, in contrast to most programmers. Also, they can be attributed fanatical programmers practical programming that delivers much more fun. Hackers first appeared in the US in the 60s in the walls of the prestigious Institute in Boston. These people were driven by a desire to learn all the tricks of computer systems and advanced technology beyond known possibilities. The hacker ethic is a set of rules, principles and standards developed in the environment of computer professionals.

As computers are everywhere penetrated into society, changed the traditional understanding of "work" as the performance of certain duties in a certain place at a certain time.

Work has become a "briefing" of the computer. In the computerized society over time and are reviewed also the values associated with the old concept of work.

Now, many people live without leaving own home with a computer terminal, an employee loses regular contact with colleagues. Education through the computer can make unnecessary the teaching profession in the future.

On the Internet, just as in ordinary life, adopted certain rules of communication, and very specific. The reason is that when dealing with anyone on the Web, we do not see our companions, therefore, much more difficult it is sometimes to give them their feelings and emotions. To this end, and was created by the so-called etiquette that everyone should know a person who uses the Internet for communication.

However, despite some still chaotic orientation of the information on the web, ethics it has given great importance. Every day, the question of ethics in the web is becoming increasingly important. After all that the Internet has become a truly mass medium of communication people will certainly need to adhere to certain ethical standards and values.

Computer ethics are not a specific set of rules, and the dynamic and complex field of study, which lies on the border between computer technology and normative ethics and the best of them.


Machines from the 70s and 80s on display at the Computer History Museum, in Silicon Valley.

Photograph: Barry J Holmes for the Observer

In the most general sense, computer ethics studies the behavior of people using the computer on the basis of which produced the relevant ethical requirements and a sort of etiquette rules. The very use of the expression "computer ethics" is very conditional, this discipline is very young, it’s appeared at the turn of the 70s - 80s. XX century, and along with it are used terms such as "cyber ethics" or "information ethics".

Netiquette and etiquette rules.

Virtual etiquette and netiquette are rules of behavior, communication networks, traditions and culture of the Internet community, which is shared by the majority. This concept emerged in the mid 80-ies of XX century.

What we know about Netiquette? Netiquette rules are not universal and firmly established - each online community creates its own rules. Usually the rules are written, and even out in the form of a formal statute, and sometimes in the form of a list. In other cases, it exists only in the minds and words of moderators and sometimes simply "old-timers" of the community and are supported on the basis of their personal authority.

Basic Netiquette Guidelines.

Most often, a clear breach of etiquette understand the insults and go to the person, malicious departure from the theme, advertising and self-promotion in non-designated areas. Also, it is likely a violation netiquette may be different malicious slander and disinformation or plagiarism.

Need to remember with whom we communicate. We are shouldn’t forget that through the Web and PC, because we are connected with a live person, and often - with many people simultaneously. Don’t need to allow yourself to befuddle an atmosphere of anonymity and permissiveness. When we write an e-mail message, need to imagine that all this say to someone's face. Also, need to try to make yourself not ashamed of own words.

When we are connecting thru internet, need to follow the same rules of interpersonal communication, which we follow in real life.

Effect of social Media

Also we have to remember that we are in cyberspace ! It is boundaries are much wider than the usual boundaries of our human society and its different parts can operate their own laws. Therefore, when faced with a new kind of communication for us on the web, we have to learn and to recognize their priority. In any newsgroup or forum has its own rules. We have to be sure to read them before we send our first message !

We have to respect time and the opinion of other people ! Seek for help only when it is really necessary, and in this case, we can always count on the support of our colleagues. No need to pull other users on trifles, or just stop communicating with you. It is necessary to remember that the network time is not only limited, but for many, and very expensive. And in addition to our problems with our virtual friends may also own some problems.

We have to try look decent in the eyes of our virtual friends ! We shouldn’t skimp on the time conventions such as the rules of etiquette.

Don’t need to ignore the advice of experts, and better share own knowledge with others! We have to be grateful to those who spend their time answering your questions. But also, having received a letter with a question from another user. Don’t need to rush to send the message in the trash, no matter how ridiculous and naive it may seem.

We should to restrain our passion and engage in the debate etiquette does not prohibit, but did not go down to battle and expletives, even if your counterpart deliberately provokes you to do so.

We have to respect not only own, but also other people's privacy. If we want for some reason to keep the anonymity on the web, we have to recognize these rights and our virtual friends also. Moreover, our friend has the right to anonymity and privacy, even if we speak "openly".

Also we shouldn’t publish information from private letters, without the consent of the sender and we can’t penetrate into other people's mailboxes and computers ! Also communication etiquette rules includes such rules as: we shouldn’t send own letters the same time on hundreds of addresses - people hate spammers ! After write a letter, we have to read it, and in any case enable the spell checker. We have to be tolerant of the shortcomings of the people around us! Regardless of whether your virtual friends observe the rules of netiquette, we have to observe them by yourself! And in the end, very politely recommend other person familiar with these rules.

Most virtual etiquette rules apply to e-mail to do this: regularly check the contents of your mailbox, promptly responding to every letter addressed directly to you. Observe the conciseness, sometimes it is just a few words. The lack of response is equivalent to as if you ignored the greeting, or if we have refused to shake the outstretched hand, or be turned back to our companion. In the e-mail message is always necessary to indicate its main theme. This rule does not appear immediately, it developed a gradually appearing result of certain practical requirements. It should be taken into account, the letter is not equipped with an explicit theme, and it can be ignored. On correspondence not addressed to you personally and not by the message of the author, do not answer, you can often imposed unnecessary commercial information. Do not overload an e-mail message to additional material (photos, drawings, etc.)

It’s no secret that spend most of their life in front of the monitor - both leisure and work time - has long been the norm for many. The computerization of society has acquired enormous proportions. IT-specialists - people who create software and hardware that support the operation of the entire computer infrastructure of society - should be aware of the importance of their activities and their responsibilities. Many of these neglected, without thinking about the fact that sometimes they determine the well-being of tens, hundreds of thousands of people. 

When we learn a new culture-and cyberspace, of course, has its own culture-you can make some mistakes. On the Internet, just as in ordinary life, adopted certain rules of communication, and very specific. Internet - is a system of compulsory and uniform set of rules for use of the network is not set for it. There are, however, generally accepted standards of work on the Internet, designed to ensure that the activity of each user on the network does not interfere with the work of other users.

We must remember about the people! And don’t forget that even through the dead and stuffed Network computer electronics we are dealing with a live person. And often - with many people at the same time.